An informal record of ideas about design and the web.
Tiny bad and good practices
Yesterday I discover the wonderfull HTMHell website: “A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.” It is a very nice collection of dos and dont’s for writting HTML. There was an article on the the title element that made me dive deep into this misleadingly simple action.
“Content is what matters”
It’s the Beginning of Winter, and it’s getting chilly, even in the sunlight. I don’t know what I want this site to be or what it will look like; it has been blocking me from doing anything with it. So I’ll try a small post today, maybe an image next week.
I learned about the hgroup HTML element and implemented it on this page and the homepage. It groups a single h1–h6 element with one or more p. In other words, it defines a heading and its related content: a neat way of styling subtitles, if I get to that point.
Next week I want to add at least one project with an illustration so I can practice optimizing images for an ultralight website.
Back to learning web development
The weather is warm and sunny today, although it was a bit chilly this morning. I went for a walk in a nearby woods and botanical garden, which seems to be getting less and less maintained.
Every once in a while, my dormant interest in web development flares up. Today is one of those days. I decided to restart an MDN beginners course and, while blowing the dust off my GitHub account, rediscovered the repository for this website.
I'm going to start slow—HTML only—so I don't overdo it. Work on the basics until they become a habit.
HTML element of the day: Time
The time element lets me add the time of each journal entry in a machine-readable format.